
PRISMA V3 (18 × 24 in).pdf

Tools: Canva

Time: 6 Hours

Client: Grand Prairie High School

Collaboration: Worked through 3 revisions to create an aesthetically pleasing job aid.


Grand Prairie High School has over 250 staff members who need to order copies using the PRISMAdirect system offered by the Canon printers. The staff members need guidance on how send job orders to the printer online.


I created a job aid which takes staff members through the steps for sending a copy job to the printer. I also created a version with screenshots to help staff members who need help with the visual cues of the webpage. 


Goal: Staff members will save time from making copies themselves at the copy machine. Once the whole staff receives training, I want to see a shift in printing patterns. When comparing data from before and after, I want to see a reduction of 30% in number of print jobs made in the copy room per week, and an increase of 50% of print jobs made through PRISMAdirect per week. Currently, about 80% of print jobs are made in the copy room (February).